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Did you know? The first ever store on digital mall was Holly's Dollies!

Check it out!

Bored? How about starting your own buisness!

Create one here!

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Here is a free gift card as a token of our appriciation!

Did you know? Digital mall was coded entirly by a 13 year old!

Do you have a shopping addiction?

If so, here is some advise!

Did you know? We have many social media pages!

Visit them here!

The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue!

Do people actually read this?

If so, click here!

Did you know? Our search results are always displayed in alphabetical order!

The sentence, "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" uses every letter in the English language!

Did you know? You can create your own shopping mall!

Create a Mall Here!

Did you know? We have lower selling fees than amazon?!

Did you know? The cigarette lighter was invented before the match!